Use Case:

Decentralize Industry Certification Programs

By digitizing certification standards into shareable  test suites, we can decentralize certification.

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By digitizing certification standards into shareable ColorBase Labs test suites, standards organizations can decentralize their certification work. These test suites can be shared with manufacturing organizations as needed, where they can be performed by those closest to the products. Test data can then be received and reviewed by standards organizations in real time.

To validate the results, the manufacturer organizations can mail the tested products to the standards organizations who can then verify that the results in ColorBase Labs are correct.

The value for standards organizations:

By enabling the manufacturers to perform the certification test suites, standards organizations defrays operational costs and increases certification throughput.

The value for manufacturers: 

Far too often, securing valuable industry certifications is a Go-to-Market activity, not an R&D activity. By enabling manufacturers to access certification test suites, manufacturers can test beta products for certificaiton compliance during R&D.

Additionally, this arrangement can lower the cost of certifying many products at once for larger manufacturers.

The value for everyone else:

Using ColorBase Labs to streamline certification processes will not only lead to better products in the market, but will also centralize product data in the ColorBase ecosystem. A complete library of product details provides endless benefits for us all.

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Bart Korpershoek - Color Concepts

Bart Korpershoek

Roeland den Hertog - Color Concepts

Roeland den Hertog