Re-board®: Making Sustainable Event and Exhibition Constructions

Source: For those seeking environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional materials like MDF/plywood, foams, and plastics in event and exhibition constructions, Re-board® offers an ideal solution.  The Make Haus Agency, along with Re-board® producer Next Printing, provides insights into sustainable design, production, installation, and recycling processes. Their collaborative efforts showcase the feasibility and effectiveness of…

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ColorBase, Under the Hood: The Data Model Upgrade Enabling a Smarter Printing Industry

Quiet Transformation Our industry’s most advanced database of material, printer, RIP and ICC profile data is undergoing a quiet transformation. While it’s true that  code is never “done” – iterative progress is the rule, not the exception – ColorBase is undergoing an internal transformation that far exceeds the scope of routine day-to-day improvements. We’re on…

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Re-board®: The Environmentally Friendly Solution for Sustainable Constructions

Re-board Technology, developed by Swedish inventor Karl-Gustav Ericsson in the 1990s, revolutionized the concept of environmentally friendly materials. Concerned about the escalating environmental issues caused by excessive resource consumption, Ericsson designed Re-board® as an alternative to traditional honeycomb structures commonly used at the time. This patented paper-board marked a significant milestone in sustainable construction materials.…

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How To Create Named Spot Colors in Adobe (and Your RIP)

Before learning how to create named spot colors, it’s important to understand what they are and how they are used. Just a few weeks ago, my business partner Jim Raffel and I presented “How Important Is Brand Color?” at the ISA International Sign Expo in Las Vegas. Many print facilities are tasked with achieving accurate…

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